Latest News
Jul 13
Power Outages Likely Today as Storms Approach
Johnson, VT – Forecasters are calling for dangerous weather across Vermont Electric Co-op territory this afternoon, with power outages likely. Saturated ground will make trees more likely to be uprooted by wind gusts, that could approach 30-40 mph locally. Also predicted are thunderstorms, possible hail, and the chance of a tornado touchdown. The storms are expected to arrive mid-afternoon.
Jun 8
A Little Something for Everyone at VEC’s Annual Meeting
A lively and engaged crowd joined VEC on May 13 at Jay Peak Resort for the co-op’s Annual Meeting. Topics included: Vegetation management and its direct relationship to reliability, which is growing ever more important with more people working from home, and more people using electric technologies like heat pumps and electric vehicles. Transformation of the energy system from fossil fuels to electricity to reduce carbon emissions and other pollutants, and assuring that all Vermonters can take advantage of the modernization of the energy system. Cybersecurity, including VEC’s constant vigilance, in partnership with other utilities, of risks to the system and the co-op’s commitment to educating members about cybersecurity.
May 2
“Your Co-op, Your Community” Theme of VEC's 2023 Annual Meeting
Johnson, VT- Briefings on energy innovation, cybersecurity, and power reliability will be among the highlights of VEC’s 2023 Annual Meeting taking place May 13 at Jay Peak Resort. Members who attend will enjoy a complimentary breakfast and giveaways. They’ll also have the chance to win great prizes, including a cordless chainsaw courtesy of the Pick & Shovel in Newport, gift cards and certificates to local and national chain stores, and more.
Apr 25
Member Spotlight: Heating Pellet Venture Launched in Richford
Josh Gervais was in the trucking business. Matt Gregoire was in the logging business. In conversations a couple of years ago, the two Enosburg residents struck on an idea: was there a need for a wood pellet mill in the Richford area to provide locally-sourced, high quality heating fuel for the area? They decided the answer was “yes.”
Apr 25
Summer's Coming: Join in and Beat the Peak
Our Beat the Peak program is a way for VEC members work together to reduce the cost of future energy, which helps us control rates our members pay. Whenever the co-op buys wholesale power from electricity generators, we pay for the power itself and for the transmission of that power to our system.
Apr 25
A Look at Financial Highlights for 2022
The year 2022 was one of multiple challenges for VEC. A range of interrelated national and even global forces came together to put significant pressure on our finances.
Apr 25
The Grid, the Load, Transmission and Timing: Taking (Great) Questions from our Members
Here at VEC, we use the term “Energy Transformation” in a couple of ways. Primarily, we use the phrase to refer to our incentive program to help members transition to electric cars, appliances, and other equipment.
Mar 30
Six Candidates Contend for Three Seats on VEC Board
Johnson, VT- Six candidates are vying for three seats up for election this year on the board of directors of Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC). Three districts – District 1, 6 and West Zone – each have one seat up for election. The districts, and the candidates running in each are: District 1 (Averill, Avery's Gore, Barton, Bloomfield, Brighton, Brownington, Brunswick, Canaan, Charleston, Ferdinand, Guildhall, Holland, Lemington, Lewis, Lyndon, Maidstone, Morgan, Newark, Norton, Sheffield, Sutton, Warner’s Grant, Warren Gore, Westmore, and Wheelock.) Bill Gilbert, Lemington Don Worth, Island Pond
Feb 28
Community Meals Program Gets Boost from VEC Community Fund Grant
Johnson, Vt - Low-income people, the elderly and working families appreciative of a night off from cooking. These are the people who have, for the past 12 years, benefited from no-cost meals from Craftsbury Community Dinners prepared at the Craftsbury United Church. A recent $1,000 grant from the Vermont Electric Co-op’s Community Fund will pay for ingredients for about five of these monthly meals, each of which serve between 80 and 100 people from Craftsbury and surrounding towns.
Feb 27
For All of Our Members, a Proven Commitment to Clean, Cost-Effective Electricity
VEC is committed to a clean energy future. As of Jan. 1, VEC’s annual power supply is 100 percent carbon free. And by 2030, we have pledged to be 100 percent renewable. VEC joins other Vermont utilities to make Vermont’s electricity supply one of the cleanest in the country. In 2018, only two percent of Vermont’s total carbon emissions came from electricity and as we move to a 100 percent carbon-free annual power supply that percentage is expected to drop each year.