VEC Community Fund Supports People in Recovery from Substance Use Disorder

The Community Fund of the Vermont Electric Co-op (VEC) recently awarded a grant to the local non-profit Jenna’s Promise to support recovery from substance use disorder.
The grant will go toward upgrading the kitchen at Jenna’s House - a center point for the community in Johnson - to better host community events, offer cooking classes to the community, and help to aid people in their recovery journey.
This grant money will be used to purchase dishware, silverware, and other needed utensils for catering and the cooking classes.
Jenna’s Promise is a recovery community in northern Vermont with a whole life approach to the treatment of substance use disorder. The organization was founded by the family of Jenna Tatro after she lost a six-year battle with substance use disorder.
About the VEC Community Fund
The VEC Community Fund is a voluntary program supported by VEC members who choose round up their electric bills, donate their patronage capital dollars, or make one-time donations to the fund. The fund then makes grants to local organizations that support economic security, energy education, emergency and disaster relief, and community development.
Applications for the fund are on a rolling basis, and grants are issued quarterly. If you know an organization that could benefit from the support of the Community Fund, or you want to support the fund, you can learn more here: or call VEC Member Services at 802-635-2331 or 800-832-2667.