Working in the Yard, or the Back-40 this Spring? Here are Some Safety Reminders from Vermont Electric Co-op

By John Varney
This time of year many of us are getting out and starting outdoor projects around our homes. We tackle lots of yard cleanup, tree trimming, repairs, plantings, painting projects and other work. Please remember to take safety seriously.
Here are a few tips for specific tasks:
- Digging? Call first. When digging (i.e. for tree planting, fence installation, digging any sort of trench) call DigSafe (Call 811) beforehand and make absolutely sure there are no underground service lines in the area.
- Use caution cutting trees. Before cutting trees, evaluate what could happen if a tree or branch falls in an unintentional direction. Call VEC for trees that could come down on lines.
- Be aware of electric lines. Ensure that all overhead outdoor work, like roof work, house painting or repair is done at least 15 feet from any service lines. When clearing vines, shrubs, or brush near your home, take care not to cut or come into contact with electrical lines that could be concealed in the vegetation.
- Clear the lawn before mowing. Before starting your lawn mower, inspect the lawn for foreign objects like stones, sticks, children’s or pet toys, and remove them before starting to mow. It’s often easier and safer to move lawn furniture, grills, hoses, and other larger objects off the lawn before starting to mow so you don’t have to work around these objects, which can be awkward and risky.
- Take care with ladders. Before raising or extending any kind of ladder (metal pole, or other equipment) capable of reaching a power line, check in all directions for power lines. Keep ladders at least 15 feet away from lines.
For additional details about safety around your home, check out this video with VEC Operations Supervisors:
Please enjoy this time of year, and stay safe.
John Varney is Manager of Safety and Security at the Vermont Electric Co-op.
May 18, 2021
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2 min read