This Year, Choose More Convenience

VEC offers a couple of ways to simplify your life by “going digital” - paying bills and getting VEC news via email, for instance. If you haven’t already signed up for these options, now might be a good time because we’re spicing things up a bit with a drawing for a $50 credit on your electric bill!
At the end of March, we’ll be drawing two winners from each pool: those who have signed up for paperless billing and those who have opted for paperless Co-op Life. With paperless billing, you’ll begin receiving your bill by email instead of via postal mail. With paperless Co-op Life, we will cease mailing you print copies of Co-op Life; you’ll get the emailed version only.
We’ll draw four winners (two from each pool) from all members who have ever signed up for these paperless communications. Each winner will receive a $50 one-time credit on their electric bill.
If you aren’t currently signed up for either paperless billing or paperless Co-op Life, now is a good time. And you’ve got flexibility, too. You can maximize your chances of winning by signing up for both. Or, if you want to sign up for paperless billing but keep the hard copy newsletter coming in the mail, you’ll be entered just for the paperless billing.
Besides making life easier for you, paperless options help save the costs of mailing for the Co-op. And because you are an owner of the Co-op, that’s good news!
Sign up for paperless billing here.
Sign up for paperless Co-op Life here.