Timely Topics, High Variety on tap for VEC Annual Meeting

Johnson, Vt – Grid innovations, VEC’s new commitment to cleaner power, a conversation about state policy with Lt. Gov. Molly Gray, and other topics are on the agenda for Vermont Electric Co-op’s Annual Meeting set for May 8.
The meeting, entitled An Adaptable Resilient Grid: Teaming up for a Bright Future, will be “packed with a range of timely topics, and offers a great chance to hear what’s ahead,” said Jake Brown, energy services planner at VEC. The meeting, which will be held virtually, will start at 9 am.
Rebecca Towne, VEC’s chief executive officer, will discuss some exciting, emerging grid innovations at VEC and will describe the co-op’s recent commitment to a cleaner power supply, among other things, Brown said. Gray will speak to state-level policy developments including COVID relief funding and recovery, the emergency needs for equitable broadband deployment, and other current Vermont issues. Gray will also engage with the audience to take questions and discuss member priorities.
In addition, during the meeting VEC will announce the winners of this year’s Board of Directors elections. Prizes will also be awarded at the meeting to members who have voted in the election.
Participants will be able to join the meeting on their computer or mobile device, or simply call in via telephone.
Noting that there’s nothing like an in-person VEC Annual Meeting with its camaraderie, breakfast and time to catch up with other members, Brown said VEC hopes to be able to hold gatherings for members soon.
Meanwhile, virtual meetings do offer a level of convenience, he said. “You don’t have to leave your house, and you can tune in from the comfort of your living room and participate,” he said.
Members can learn more about the Annual Meeting and how to participate here: