VEC Community Fund Donation Boosts Effort to Warm More Vermonters

Johnson, Vt - Eric Axelrod of Jericho says it will be a “game changer.”
He’s talking about a new commercial grade log splitter that his non-profit, Wood4Good, is raising money to buy. The machine will be able to split bucked wood into 12 pieces per pass, not the more common two or four.
This new machine, supported in part by a recent $1,000 grant from the Vermont Electric Co-op’s Community Fund, will greatly increase production capacity, allowing Wood4Good to provide far more free firewood to Vermonters in need than it has to date. Specifically, the new machine will be able to produce three times more wood than any of the organization’s existing machines, Axelrod said.
Wood4Good is a “wood bank” that operates similarly to a food bank, and there is no criteria for need for the free wood they supply families in need to heat their homes. In 2022, Wood4Good was able to give away 140 loads of firewood - that is 1.2 cords per family - totaling 190 cords of distribution.
This year, Wood4Good’s goal is to give away at least 250 loads, or more. “This machine puts that lofty goal within reach,” Axelrod said. “We’re grateful to the VEC Community Fund for this support,” he said.
Wood4Good counts on volunteers as well, to cut and split wood, load trucks, make deliveries, and more. The eventual goal is to be operating in every county in the state. At the moment, the organization is hoping to expand into Johnson, to facilitate deliveries of firewood to communities throughout Lamoille county and beyond.
Axelrod says that Wood4Good is committed to reducing heat insecurity for families in Vermont. “We value our community and the people who live here, and are committed to helping as many people as possible stay warm in the cold winter months.”
The VEC Community Fund is a voluntary program supported by VEC members who choose to round up their electric bills, donate their patronage capital dollars, or make one-time donations to the fund. The fund then makes grants to local organizations that support economic security, emergency/disaster relief, community support/development, and food security.
To learn more about Wood4Good, including how to sign up for free wood, or donate your time or money to bring wood to Vermonters in need, go to To learn more about the VEC Community Fund and how you can support it or apply for funding, go to