Rates and Tariffs
Current Rates and Fees
This page provides an overview of VEC's fees and the most common rates. Additional rates are available and individual accounts may be eligible for them.
VEC's Full Tariff (3/1/25)VEC 2024 Approved Rate Order (7/31/24)
VEC Rate Summary Sheet (3/1/25)
Efficiency Vermont's 2025 rates (effective 2/1/25)
Idle Service rates (3/1/25)
VEC submitted a request for a 4.84 percent rate increase effective 1/1/25. This request is being reviewed by the Vermont Public Utility Commission (PUC) and will appear as an interim rate increase for the time being. The rates below include the 4.84 percent increase.
Residential service is available to all residential dwellings and is optional for farms.
Customer charge* - $22.30 per month
0-100 kWh - $0.11297 per kWh
kWh in excess of 100 kWh per month - $0.22801 per kWh
*An additional $7.25 per month is charged for additional meters, not including solar production meters.
General Service
Non-Demand General Service is available to non-residential members with demand lower than 500 kW per month and usage less than 15,000 kWh per month.*
Customer charge - $23.62 per meter per month
Usage - $0.20497 per kWh
*An account where usage exceeds 15,000 kWh for two consecutive months will be placed on the General Service with the demand rate.
General Service with demand is available to non-residential members with demand lower than 500 kW per month and usage greater than 15,000 kWh per month.
Customer charge - $39.40 per meter per month
Usage - $0.11732 per kWh
Demand* - $27.02 per kW
*Demand charges are based on the highest measured 15-minute demand during the billing period and not less than 80 percent of the highest billing demand during the preceding eleven months.
Industrial rates are available to members whose demand meets or exceeds 500 kW for two consecutive months.
Demand charge | Energy charge | Monthly service charge | |
Distribution - firm | $24.73 | $0.11640 | $300.89 |
Distribution - interruptible | $21.13 | $0.11640 | $300.89 |
Subtransmission - firm | $15.58 | $0.11615 | $300.89 |
Subtransmission - interruptible | $10.97 | $0.10857 | $300.89 |
Additional details on these rates can be found in the full tariff.
Click here to view Service Classification #5 - Specific Use Dynamic Pricing.