VEC Board of Directors
As a member-owned cooperative, the Board of Directors consists of twelve VEC members elected by the membership. Our Board is the foundation of our member-led organization. Directors work with the Board Chair, other Board members, the CEO, and other leaders of Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC) to provide direction, leadership, governance, and policy setting for the organization.
The Board provides leadership and direction for VEC by governing the fiduciary well-being of the Cooperative, helping to develop and approve short-term and long-term strategic plans, and supports a diverse energy portfolio while shaping VEC’s energy future by fulfilling the Cooperative’s mission and vision.
- Mission: Vermont Electric Cooperative is a member-owned electric distribution utility that provides safe, affordable and reliable energy services to its members.
- Vision: Lighting the path to affordable clean energy, together
Directors bring a wide range of expertise, open-mindedness, and knowledge, which are essential to the Cooperative’s success. Directors are expected to actively provide advice and feedback and respectfully present opinions to other Board members, VEC members, and VEC Staff.
Directors serve four-year terms, elections are held annually, and terms are staggered, so three seats are elected each year. Directors are eligible to run for re-election, providing ample opportunity to learn VEC’s business and assume roles of increasing responsibility on the Board. Directors represent one of seven smaller districts or one of five zone directors (three in the West Zone and two in the East Zone). Generally, the candidate solicitation process starts in February, petitions are due mid-March, and voting starts in April. Please contact us to obtain the specific schedule for this year.
Monthly Board Meetings: Directors are expected to attend monthly Board meetings typically held on the last Tuesday of each month. The Board meeting time commitment is about five hours each month, starting at 11:30 am. Traditionally, Board meetings have been held at VEC’s headquarters in Johnson, with remote participation available. Directors are expected to prepare for each Board meeting by reviewing the packet materials before the meeting. Meeting materials are available electronically one week prior to the Board meeting. Our website contains past Board meeting agendas and minutes.
Committee Meetings: The four current standing Board committees include Governance, Finance, Communications, and Power Supply and operations. There is also a Community Fund Committee comprised of VEC staff and three appointed Board members. The Board Chair appoints committee chairs, although each committee is open to any Board member who wishes to participate. Committee meetings are usually scheduled during business hours before a Board meeting or another day during the month, with remote participation available. The meeting frequency varies by committee, from one to four times a year.
Special Meetings: The Board may request special meetings to discuss a topic in more detail. Directors are notified in writing prior to the scheduled meeting date. Board members can also attend periodic, optional member engagement events.
Annual Meeting: VEC hosts an annual meeting typically held on the second Saturday in May. Essential business is conducted at the meeting, and the annual election results are announced. The annual meeting is followed by the Board’s organizational meeting to elect officers and set the annual schedule.
Education: Directors are expected to participate in regular training courses and periodic conferences. Generally, two day-long trainings are offered to Board members annually, plus an optional regional Board conference is hosted in the Northeast. In addition, our national association NRECA provides additional conferences and training specific to electric cooperatives both online and in person around the country.
Other periodic opportunities may be available for Board members, including representation of VEC with our regional Northeast Association of Electric Cooperatives or member engagement events.
Directors are not salaried employees of the Cooperative. Directors are provided compensation consisting of a fixed fee for attendance at the Board and other official meetings and mileage reimbursement. Currently, compensation for regular monthly Board meetings is $375, and Committee Meeting compensation is $200, with the exception of the Community Fund Committee, which is not compensated. More information regarding compensation is included in the candidate packet or is available upon request.